PERFECT PAGES Global Business Directory


PERFECTPAGES | Business Listing, Pages Recommendations, Reviews, Ratings and More Benefits, Articles, Bonuses, Coupons, Deals, Events, Free Shopping For Businesses And Consumers

PERFECTPAGES is The First Global Business Directory driven by members. At the PERFECTPAGES we only list businesses that have been recommended by you, our members. You receive valuable DEALPOINTs for every recommendation and for every review and rating of any already listed business.

These DEALPOINTs can qualify you for FREE SHOPPING. The more DEALPOINTs you collect, the more you can shop for free. And later on you will find out that more cash will be coming into your pockets!

Isn’t that great? And I promise you, it is getting even better. You, the members, will receive free bonuses at every participating business around the world. FREE BONUSES exclusively for our members. So let’s have a closer look. Let me explain to you how the PERFECTPAGES work.

Our members are most important, so let us start with one of our members. One night he is dining out in a nice new restaurant and he is very happy with the food and with the service they offer. Back home, he is logging in to the PERFECTPAGES to share his recommendation with the world. He is posting a short review and he is rating the restaurant at the same time.

Well, now the business owner is a happy camper. He just received the first positive review about his restaurant and now that his restaurant is recommended, it is automatically listed on the PERFECTPAGES for FREE. That means free positive publicity for him and his business. And our member? Well, he is a happy camper, too. We appreciate his recommendation and therefore we grant him FREE DEALPOINTs.

Let us have a closer look at the business owner. He is already very happy but look what we are granting him: An official Certificate that he owns a recommended business! This is something he can hang on his wall. Isn’t that great? And he receives a window sticker to be placed in the entry zone so every member can easily see that this business offers a Perfect Bonus exclusively for our members. Guess how happy and surprised our member will be when he or she is visiting the restaurant next time. At the PerfectPages his recommendation really makes an impact. But wait! How does the business owner know about the recommendation and the FREE listing? Well, at this point another important person enters the stage.

A member of our Business Relations Department, a so called Profit Instructor, will contact the business owner to welcome him at the PERFECTPAGES. He is verifying all the listed business details to make sure that future customers will find the business. Additionally, he is explaining some marketing strategies that we have developed exclusively for recommended businesses at the PERFECTPAGES.

Regarding our Profit Instructors, yes you as a member can actually earn a lot of money, too. Many of you could have been wondering what is a Profit Instructor and can I be one too?

Yes, you can!

We will have another website opening soon similar to Perfect Jobs. No matter where you live in the world, we have a job for you. All applications will be handled by our Human Resources Department. Every country, every state, every town. We will be everywhere on this planet. Everywhere you will see our Perfect Bonus stickers, and we will be employing happy financially free Profit Instructors too.

If we get only 3% of the market share, that will be over 250 million new members. Think about how fast we will grow! You know we are growing by leaps and bounds and no one can stop us. We can offer :
* Banner advertising.
* Article marketing.
* Integrated event calendar
* section for classifieds,

Just to name a few. Additionally, the business can become a Bonus Partner, a Coupon Partner and/or a Deal Partner to attract even more customers.

As a Global Business Directory, it is our mission to help all business owners to get the word spread and this includes all the small businesses on a low budget for advertising. Therefore our marketing solutions start at a tiny 10 US$ - per YEAR! Some local businesses spend thousands of $$$ per year for marketing and advertising and we are able to save them up to 95% of these costs.

We save them up to 95%! Do you think they will be happy? Yes! So, the business owner saves a lot of money, the Profit Instructor earns a lot of money, and what about our member? 

Well, he automatically receives FREE BONUS DEALPOINTs each time when a business recommended by him becomes a Business Partner of the PERFECTPAGES. Imagine how many businesses you can recommend in your town. Do you see the potential here!
The only thing our member needs to receive FREE bonuses, not only at this restaurant but at all participating businesses worldwide, is the beautiful Perfect Bonus Card.
The card costs a tiny one-time fee of US$ 10 for minimum one year and up to two years of endless bonuses. Other companies charge for a card like this US$ 39 or even more and the use of the card many times is mostly limited to a region or even limited to a city. Our Perfect Bonus Card is much cheaper and on top it has REAL value. Each card holder receives free downloads of ebooks, music or games for US$ 10 PLUS unlimited FREE bonuses.
This is truly a great deal!

But WAIT........

As always, we are treating our members as a very special person. So instead of paying US$ 10 per card you receive up to 97% discount based on the number of cards that you order.

For example :  

Just US$ 15 you do not just receive one card for yourself but 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 more cards to give or to sell them to friends and family. By just selling 3 cards you‘d have your initial US$ 15 back in pocket plus US$ 15 more to buy 10 more cards.

Why you should do that? Here is the magic; pay attention closely here. Well, each card has a code and whenever someone is registering with one of your cards, he is added to your 1st Generation and you receive some more FREE DEALPOINTs for FREE SHOPPING. And it gets even better: Each time when one of your 1st Generation members is closing a deal at the PerfectPages or he is ordering Coupons or Bonus Cards, you receive not DEALPOINTs but CASHPOINTs! Over and over and over again.

For each 10,000 CASHPOINTs collected you receive US$ 50 in Perfect Coupons to shop for free at participating businesses both online and local, AND you receive US$ 50 Perfect CASH right to your brand new Perfect Bonus Debit Card.

Yes, you have heard absolutely right. We will have our very own Perfect Bonus Debit Card. This is taking your shopping experience truly to a never-seen-before level. And by the way, this system is PERFECT for our Business Partners, too.

Businesses can use our Perfect Bonus Cards as a loyalty program for their customers. They give out Bonus Cards to their customers and engage them to return more often. And yes, on top they receive DEALPOINTs. But much more important, each time when one of their customers is closing a deal with another business at the PERFECTPAGES or when they order Coupons or Bonus Cards, our business partner receives CASHPOINTs!

For businesses, each 10,000 CASHPOINTs collected convert into US$ 100 Perfect CASH credited right to their Perfect Bonus Debit Card. Isn't that FANTASTIC I Guarantee you, this is the first marketing strategy that not only generates more customers but is earning ADDITIONAL money

For sure the businesses will love it. You do not just have to be a member, each Business Owner has a ton of customers and you are growing your own business by leaps and bounds. And this is just with one business owner. How many business owners do you want? Think about how many businesses there are in your town? You could be the superstar of your town, helping so many businesses be more successful with The PerfectPages!

This is truly what we call
a WIN - WIN - WIN situation for all.
Do you agree? I bet you do!



The First Global
Business Directory

"PERFECTPAGES is The First Global member-driven consumer community with multiple benefits. Here you can find recommended businesses only.
As a FREE member, you benefit from A to F from Articles, Bonuses, Coupons, Deals, Events and FREESHOPPING.

For each recommendation, rating and 

review of a business you receive valuable DEALPOINTs
The more DEALPOINTs you collect the more free benefits you will receive."

Click HERE

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